Meet Michelle |
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Meet Michelle

How An Unemployed Mom Began To Earn $6,000+/Month By Starting A Virtual Bookkeeping Business



After getting let go from her corporate job, Michelle needed to find work. She wanted something that would challenge and excite her.

Using Bookkeeper Launch

She discovered how to do bookkeeping in a way that made her invaluable to her clients.


Michelle now earns more than she did at her corporate job. She enjoys her work and has the freedom to travel and be with her family anytime she wants.

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“My family needed money…”

Michelle was bored at her corporate job.

It didn’t challenge her anymore.

They offered her the CFO role, but she wasn’t interested. After that, the company let her go.

So Michelle filed for unemployment and began to look for work.

But she didn’t want just any job. Michelle loves to learn and wanted something that would challenge her and help her grow.

Unfortunately, none of the positions she interviewed for were appealing. But the unemployment checks were about to run out. She worried she would have to take a job she didn’t want to keep her income flowing. As she says:

“My unemployment was coming up, and my family needed money…”


Michelle shares her struggle looking for a new job.

“I had no formal bookkeeping training…”

Michelle had done some bookkeeping in her previous jobs. But she never had any formal training. So she wasn’t confident in her bookkeeping skills.

During her job search, people kept asking her to do their bookkeeping. But she was afraid she would make a mistake and “look stupid.” So she refused to take those jobs.

Then, Michelle found an article on The Penny Hoarder about bookkeeping. While reading it, she had a “Come to Jesus” moment: She realized she needed to take bookkeeping seriously as a career choice.

“I had to look at myself and realize I had been in my own way. Bookkeeping was something I’ve been asked to do. It was a skill I could have had but I never took advantage of [it].”


Michelle shares what made her decide to become a bookkeeper.

“Bookkeeper Launch was like a beacon of light…”

The article in The Penny Hoarder led Michelle to Bookkeeper Launch.

At first, she was skeptical. She doubted if the Bookkeeper Launch course was “legit.” But she was intrigued at the chance to learn both bookkeeping and how to build a business.

She also liked the idea of having a job she could do from anywhere. Michelle and her husband were planning to move across the country. If she had a virtual bookkeeping business, she could bring her business with her and keep her clients.

Michelle still had doubts about the program, but she decided to “trust and leap”. So in April of 2016, she joined Bookkeeper Launch.

Right away, she felt confident she made a good choice.

“Bookkeeper Launch was like a beacon of light. I realized I can do bookkeeping, and I can do it well. I have the foundations and basic knowledge, and that will continue to grow.”


Michelle shares what it was like to start the Bookkeeper Launch course.

“I was scared to death of looking stupid…”

Michelle’s biggest fear around starting a business was that she would make mistakes.

But through the program, she learned a simple philosophy: “Done is better than perfect.”

She learned that mistakes are going to happen. You can’t get it all perfect but you can at least get started. And if you make a mistake, you can fix it later.

Knowing she didn’t have to get everything right gave Michelle confidence to move forward. She began to follow the lessons in the course and got her website up, ordered business cards, and told friends and family about her new business.

“Don’t worry about getting it perfect, just do something to move forward…

My job was to get my business up and running. I can always tweak it later.”


Michelle shares how Bookkeeper launch boosted her confidence.

“Before I finished the course I had my first client…”

As Michelle went through the course, she saw a post from another Bookkeeper Launch student. This student knew someone who ran a nonprofit business and needed a bookkeeper.

Although she was still afraid she’d make mistakes, Michelle reached out and offered to take this client on.

She followed the Client Onboarding Strategy taught inside Bookkeeper Launch. This showed her what questions to ask potential clients and how to conduct the interview.

The process worked, and Michelle got the job.

She also discovered she loved to meet clients and find ways to help them.

“My favorite part of this whole thing is getting new clients. The interaction with the client when you first land them, discovering what they want, building rapport and relationship — that’s my favorite part.”


Michelle shares how Bookkeeper Launch helped her land her first client.

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“Almost all my clients came through referral…”

Through Bookkeeper Launch, Michelle learned how to go beyond merely keeping the books for clients and discovered how to explain the balance sheets to them.

This made her incredibly valuable to her clients. Because they don’t always understand where their money is. So she is able to walk them through the numbers and show them what is going on in their business.

This made her service far more valuable than what most bookkeepers and bookkeeping software provide. So her clients began to refer Michelle to their friends.

“Almost all my clients came through referral…

I got my clients at a pace that worked for me.”

Michelle flew to San Diego to visit clients.


Michelle shares how valuable her work is for her clients.

“I blew past my income goal…”

Although Bookkeeper Launch is loaded with information on how to market your business and get clients, Michelle didn’t use much of that. For a long time, she got all the clients she needed through referral.

After getting her first client in June 2016, she got three more by November.

Many of her clients had multiple entities. So she had plenty of work and money through 2017.

By April 2018, she was up to 10 clients. That was an exciting month for Michelle…

…Because when Michelle joined Bookkeeper Launch, her goal was to earn more money than she did at her old job. That April, she beat that goal.

“My goal was to make $48,000/year, I blew past that in 2018.”

Michelle’s Journey with Bookkeeper Launch

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“I never saw myself as an entrepreneur..”

Michelle is an introvert who had zero experience working for herself.

She never expected to be an entrepreneur. But that’s exactly what she’s become.

Her business is so successful she started hiring contractors. She even hired bookkeepers from the Bookkeeper Launch community.

Having help frees Michelle up to do the work she enjoys the most — talking to potential clients.

Best of all, becoming an entrepreneur has made her family incredibly proud of her.

“A highlight for me was when I heard my daughter say to her friends, “My mom is an entrepreneur. She is a business owner. She kicks butt.

The pride my children have in what I do is an unexpected highlight. My husband is proud. Everyone is proud.”


Michelle shares how her family is proud of her

“I can make my time my own…”

Michelle’s business gave her the freedom and flexibility she wanted.

She and her husband moved from San Diego to Washington, and she never lost any income.

Since her family is still hours away, she takes a long weekend every month to visit them.

The days Michelle does work, she has total control over her time. If she wants to take a morning or afternoon off, she can.

“I take a long weekend every month to visit my parents and siblings. I couldn’t do that before.”

Michelle’s “Why” is to be with her family.


Michelle shares how her business gives her flexibility

“You can take this as far as you want…”

Michelle currently has 15 clients. Her goal is to add new clients and hire more employees.

She also launched a new business flipping real estate with her husband. They used the business and marketing lessons inside Bookkeeper Launch to get that off the ground.

“I could not be happier with the process and the journey…

The value of Bookkeeper Launch was so worthwhile and continues to be worthwhile. I worked at my own pace and stayed true to my goals and my why.”

The different stages of your Bookkeeping Business journey.

Join Michelle and 8,200+ other WOMEN & MEN today!

Though she was initially against becoming a bookkeeper, Michelle now loves her job.

Having a bookkeeping business challenges her and pushes her to grow. It also gives her more freedom, flexibility, and income than she had in her office job.

If you’d like to follow a similar path, I have great news…

You can join Bookkeeper Launch today!

It gives you everything you need to start a successful bookkeeping business from scratch. And you get instant access to over 8,200+ friendly community members eager to support you.

bookkeeper launch family

So if you’re ready to take control of your time and income, click the button below.

Remember, the course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You can go through the entire thing at no risk to you.

If you’re not on your way to landing your first paying client within that time, send us an email. You’ll get a full refund right there on the spot.

See you inside!

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*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.