Meet Heather |
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Meet Heather

From Stressful 9-5 Corporate Job To Running A Virtual Bookkeeping Business With Her Husband



Heather was worn out from her 9-5 job. She was about to have a son and wanted to spend time with him instead of racing off to work each day.

Using Bookkeeper Launch

She discovered a proven, step-by-step way to build her business -- including how to get clients through Facebook.


Heather’s business was so successful her husband quit his job to work from home with her. Together, they have 15 clients, and the freedom to be with their son and travel anytime.

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“I wanted to spend more time with my son...”

It’s Monday morning. After breakfast with her family, Heather sits at the computer to work for two hours. 

Then she, her husband, and their young son go out to do errands or eat lunch together.

Afterward, she goes to the gym to workout. Then she sneaks in a couple more hours of work before a relaxing family dinner.

This is a typical Monday for Heather. But not long ago, things were very different…

Before joining Bookkeeper Launch, Heather would race off to work each morning. 

Once she became pregnant with her first son, she realized she didn’t want to do that anymore. She wanted to be home with him. So she started to look for a job that would let her work from home. As she says:

“I wanted to stay at home with my son. But to [afford to] live the life we wanted to live, I would have to work from home…”


Heather shares what life was like before she joined Bookkeeper Launch

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“I wanted to make sure it was legit…”

Since Heather has a degree in accounting, she looked for jobs that involved working with numbers. She learned about Bookkeeper Launch but had two big fears:

First, she was afraid the program wasn’t “legit.”

Second, she was worried the course would only teach her about bookkeeping — and not teach her anything about building a business.

To overcome those fears, Heather reached out to past students directly. She learned about the success they had — and how the course showed them how to grow their businesses.

Heather decided the course was worth it. She quit her job and joined Bookkeeper Launch in April 2017.

“I wanted to make sure it didn’t just teach me bookkeeping but also business ownership….”


Heather shares what it was like to go through Bookkeeper Launch.

heater website

“What scared me was the unknowns...”

Heather dove into the course.

She watched all the videos on how to do bookkeeping and refreshed her skills.

But she was afraid to get started. She was scared that if she got on a call with a client or started doing bookkeeping, she would make a mistake. This fear kept her from going through the videos on building a business and getting clients. And it slowed Heather’s progress early on.

What helped her overcome her fear was getting her first client. She proved she could do a good job. And she learned that if she did make a mistake, she could always go back and fix it.

This gave her the confidence to grow her business.

“The first big challenge was getting past the hump of that first client. After that, you have confidence and data to work with.”


Heather shares her biggest challenges growing her bookkeeping business

“After my first client, I was profitable…”

One of the big lessons Heather learned through the course was the “Giver’s Get Strategy” to land clients.

For example, Heather wanted to help female entrepreneurs. She learned one way to get these clients was to join Facebook groups they were in. Then, if anyone posted a question about bookkeeping, she would share helpful advice.

This showed people she could help them. So they would reach out and ask to hire her. Doing this regularly is how Heather landed her first client.

“I Googled best female entrepreneur groups on Facebook and joined the top 10…. The more active I was in a group, the more people would see I was a bookkeeper and reach out.”


Heather shares how Bookkeeper Launch helped her get clients through Facebook

“The clients came pouring in...”

As Heather was using the “Givers Get Strategy” to land clients through Facebook, she also followed the networking strategies taught inside Bookkeeper Launch.

She joined local networking events to find clients and people who would refer work to her.

At first, Heather was scared to do this. She was afraid people would ask questions like “What experience do you have?” and “How many clients do you have?” Then she would have to admit she was brand new to bookkeeping.

But nobody ever asked her those questions. They simply wanted to get to know her and learn about the services she offered.

Using the “Giver’s Get Strategy” along with the networking techniques taught in the course, Heather’s business exploded. She took on 9 new clients in four months. All of them came through Facebook, networking, and referrals.

“At first, I was scared of networking groups. But they’re fantastic.

You walk into the event, and you see the same faces. You develop relationships and get referrals often… And it’s fun… You get to socialize and have a good time…”

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Heather talks about her fear of networking

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“The course gave me the basis for every part of my business…”

Along with getting clients, Bookkeeper Launch taught Heather how to get her business up and running.

She followed the steps in the course to create her website. And she learned how to run a consultation call, send proposals, price her services and more.

Anytime she had questions, she turned to the Bookkeeper Launch community. This is a private Facebook group with other Bookkeeper Launch members who support each other and share advice.

With this support, her business continued to grow. And that led to an exciting and unexpected benefit…

“The Bookkeeper Launch course and the Facebook group taught me more than I could even imagine… The course has been the basis of every part of my business… And the Facebook group has helped me enhance everything as I go.”


“My husband left his job to join me…”

Heather and her husband always had big dreams of traveling together. But that was difficult with him working a full-time 9-5 job.

However, by February 2019, Heather had more clients than she could handle.

She realized her husband could quit his job and work with her. So he did. Now, the whole family can spend more time together.

On top of that, Heather and her husband now earn more than they did when they had corporate jobs.

“We work way less than 40 hours a week… and we make about $1,000/month more than when we were working full-time.”

Heather denning fb post

Heather shares what it was like to have her husband quit his job and join her

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.

“We have big travel plans...”

Heather and her husband have complete control over their time. They can work anytime they want from anywhere they want.

They took advantage of this by taking a cruise in the Bahamas. And they have many more vacations lined up.

In fact, they plan to get an RV and work from the road as they travel.

“We went on a cruise a couple of weeks ago, and if we had our son with us, we could have just booked another cruise and stayed on that boat. I would have had that option… it’s just mind-blowing.”

heather and family

Heather and her family at the Bahamas announcing they’re having a second child


Heather shares how her life is different now

“I could never be an employee again…”

Heather plans to grow her business even more. She is building a team and starting to automate and systemize her work. This will free her up to do more networking and consultations — which is the part of the business she enjoys the most.

She knows she could never go back to a full-time job. She enjoys the freedom, flexibility, and time with her family too much.

“This business is helping me be the mom I want to be. I’m able to spend more time with my son. I get to watch him grow up.”


Heather shares how she has the flexibility to spend her days how she wants

Join Heather and 9,000 other WOMEN & MEN today!

Bookkeeper Launch gave Heather the knowledge, support, and confidence to build a whole new life for herself.

She and her husband were able to leave their jobs and do bookkeeping full-time. Now, they make even more than they used to and have the freedom to travel and spend their days with their son.

If you’d like to follow a similar path, I have great news…

You can join Bookkeeper Launch today!

It gives you everything you need to start a successful bookkeeping business from scratch. And you get instant access to over 8,200+ friendly community members eager to support you.

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So if you’re ready to take control of your time and income, click the button below.

Remember, the course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You can go through the entire thing at no risk to you.

If you’re not on your way to landing your first paying client within that time, send us an email. You’ll get a full refund right there on the spot.

See you inside!

*Disclaimer: These results are not typical and you may or may not achieve the same results. Success in a bookkeeping business depends on your willingness to put in effort, your attention to detail, and various other factors.