7 Practical Ways To Stay In Shape While Working From Home
Written by Ben Robinson

Check out tips to help you stay in shape and get healthy when you’re working from home.
RELATED: How To Stay Organized While Working From Home (11 Ways)
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Whether you practice your craft at home or have a virtual business, a telecommuting setup often provides you with a more flexible schedule. Use this to your advantage by setting aside a specific time for your exercise sessions to burn calories and stay in shape.
Make sure to jot down your schedule on your planner or set a calendar reminder for it. Find a time that works for you so you can consistently keep up with your workout schedule.
Aside from practicing good habits to stay in shape while working from home, there are also practical ways how you can keep your work life healthy.
Earlier, we talked about practicing work-life balance. One of the practical ways you can apply is to set a specific work schedule.
If your job doesn’t require you to be accessible during regular business hours, it’s tempting to work at odd hours that disturb your sleep schedule. Doing so can negatively impact your physical and mental health, as well as your output.
It’s best to consistently follow a specific schedule so your clients and colleagues also know when they can reach you. That way, you can maximize your efficiency and ensure you produce quality work.
- Health and Fitness Risks of Working from Home
- How to Stay in Shape at Home Even While Working
- Stay Healthy With These Practical Working From Home Tips
Work From Home Tips: How to Stay Healthy and in Shape
Health and Fitness Risks of Working from Home
These days, working doesn’t require daily trips to the office for a lot of people. It’s anticipated that by 2020, 50% of the workforce will be working remotely. Although it sounds convenient and practical, working from home can also challenge your health and your ability to stay in shape. Health problems may arise from bad practices you’re prone to develop while working from home, such as:- Working in ergonomically unsound positions
- Lack of physical activity, like exercise
- Increased food consumption, particularly unhealthy meals
- Insufficient social interaction
How to Stay in Shape at Home Even While Working

1. Invest in a Good Chair
Investing in a good chair for work is more important than you might think. If you find yourself sitting down for most of the day, it’s essential that you have a chair that’s ergonomic and can support your weight well. It’s understandable that you can’t avoid sitting down while working, especially if it’s more comfortable for you. Remember though that you still need to keep your body properly aligned to avoid developing bad posture that can affect your other bodily functions.2. Use a Standing Desk
Another good option is to use a standing desk while working. This way, you can stretch your legs, even out your weight support, and do leg exercises with resistance bands even while at work. Keeping a sedentary lifestyle has negative effects on your health and prevents you from staying in shape.3. Remind Yourself to Regularly Move Around
It’s easy to stay seated for the rest of the day, especially if you’re comfortable or really in the zone. Regular movement, however, is essential to keep your body from becoming stiff. Set a reminder for yourself to get up from your seat every hour and do some stretches. Make time to go outside so you can get fresh air and sunshine. For instance, you can walk outside for a few minutes every morning and afternoon to keep your body and mind alert.4. Set Aside Time for Physical Training

5. Initiate Active Meetings
Why schedule a sit-down or virtual meeting with your colleagues if you can do it at the gym? If you can discuss what you need to talk about while doing strength training together, opt to have an active meeting instead. Keep your brain sharp and increase the strength of your muscles. You can achieve fitness goals with your teammates when you do simple exercises together such as:- Jumping jacks
- Squats
- Lunges
- Yoga
6. Maintain Your Work-Life Balance
Staying in shape doesn’t only apply to the physical aspect. You also need to take care of your mental and emotional needs. That’s why it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance that’s healthy. Hold yourself accountable both at work and your personal life. Track the number of hours you work each day by logging your time. Set your boundaries — don’t let work take over your personal time and vice versa. As much as possible, avoid working during weekends. Manage your time well so your work won’t spill over to your rest days.7. Stock up on Healthy Foods and Drinks
If you’re a foodie, a great way to mix fitness with fun is to eat healthy. There are yummy and healthy food options that can satisfy your cravings and help you stay in shape. It’s easy to reach for something to eat while working. Avoid temptation and maintain a healthy diet by stocking up on healthy snacks and drinks instead. Keep your junk food stash away from sight — or even better, don’t buy them at all so they won’t be part of your diet. Lastly, remember to drink enough water each day to stay hydrated.Stay Healthy With These Practical Working From Home Tips

1. Establish a Designated Workspace
Having a designated workspace can help you get into work mode and stay in the zone. A closed office room is especially important if you easily get distracted by noise. Making a habit out of working on your bed or couch can cause you to associate them with professional matters even outside work hours. This may also interfere with your relaxation time. You can easily set up a workspace by having your own desk and chair, and place all your equipment in one area. Later on, you can invest in your own home office where you’ll have privacy and peace to do your work.2. Create a Relaxing Work Environment
The great thing about staying at home for work is you can control your environment, especially if you have your own home office. Set up a work environment that works well for you. For instance, you can light scented candles to help you relax or place your desk near a window so you can enjoy the view while working.3. Set a Specific Work Schedule

4. Prepare for Work by Showering and Dressing Up
If you’re struggling to get into professional mode, try preparing for work as if you’re leaving for the office. This means showering and dressing up before starting your work. In one study conducted in 2012, researchers discovered that clothes can influence people based on the “symbolic meaning” they hold for the wearer. If you want to increase your productivity, put on an outfit that sets you into professional mode. That could be workwear, smart casual, or even just casual clothes — anything that will make you more alert and help you focus on work.5. Involve Yourself in a Community for Telecommuters
One of the downsides of working from home is the decreased amount of social interaction. Unlike working in an office, you won’t be able to personally interact with your colleagues. It’s good to find time to spend with family and friends, but not having anyone to talk to about work can be a real bummer. Build your social and professional connections by joining a telecommuter community. You can join virtual groups, try out co-working spaces, or participate in networking activities. Sustaining your social connections can motivate you, give you fresh perspectives, and enhance your overall well-being. These are the practical work from home tips you can follow to stay in shape physically, emotionally, and mentally. Make the move to start a healthier lifestyle today and strive to stay consistent. If your body and mind are sound, you won’t have a difficult time producing quality work — even from the comfort of your home. What challenges do you face when you work from home, and how do you overcome them? Share them with us in the comments section below. Up Next:Related Articles
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