As Featured In:

In the Classes, Find Out...

Why Bookkeeping is the most stable, reliable and simple business to own

Could Someone Really Own a Successful Bookkeeping Business?

Why bookkeeping is the #1 most profitable biz, and how to earn even more $

Step-by-Step how to start the biz, avoid mistakes & get high-paying clients
Meet Your Instructor
Hi! I’m Ben Robinson, Founder of As a CPA who’s owned 7-figure bookkeeping businesses, I’ll lead you in your discovery about bookkeeping business ownership. Whether you want to build a business or do freelance bookkeeping, you need to understand the keys to success that you’ll discover in these classes. It’s my pleasure to be your guide.

Can You Really Own a Successful Bookkeeping Business? Take 3 Free Classes to See for Yourself.
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Free Class, what's the catch?

~91.4% (yes, we track this with precision) of women & men DON’T QUALIFY. We’ve designed these classes for people to determine for themselves if they qualify.

These classes do NOT teach how to do bookkeeping. There’s a lot to the skillset. These classes are about the business of bookkeeping and to help determine if it’s a good fit.

These classes lead to our PAID flagship course: Bookkeeper Launch. It’s been used by more than 15,000 women & men to launch their bookkeeping biz or side-hustle.
Register Below for 3 Free Classes:
3011 Sutton Gate Dr., Suite 210 Suwanee, GA 30024